

Stephan Lukosch Verena Kunz-Meier

MuViChat (Multiple Visualization Chat) is a Jabber chat client which supports references between chat messages and offers a variety of visualization styles to overcome the co-text loss issues. MuViChat uses prefuse visualization toolkit and Smack API

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10-minute discussion with horizontal tree
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Tree visualization
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Sequenzial tree visualization
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Highlight list visualization
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50 minute discussion with horizontal tree

System requirements:
MuViChat is an executable jar file. So it should be possible to run it on all systems with Java Runtime Environment installed.
Up to now it's only tested with Windows XP and Java Runtime Environment 1.5.0.

MuViChat is a Jabber client and you need a Jabber server to chat with other users using MuViChat. More about Jabber and the XMPP protocol you can find on the XMPP webside. You can use MuViChat either with a public Jabber server or you can install your own server.

Here you can find a list of public servers:
A list of Jabber server software you can find here:

Communication between client and server runs on TCP port 5222, so please ensure that there is no firewall between which blocks this.

To run MuViChat, no installation is required. You can start MuVi chat either by double-clicking on the downloaded jar file or by typing the following command on the command line:
java -jar MuViChat_demo.jar

MuViChat is the result of a final project in the studies of Informatik at the Fernuniversität Hagen (bachelor degree). Here ist the [Final Paper] (German only).

Project Admins:


Wiki: Final Paper